[톡톡! CNBC] plow horse = 쟁기 가는 말
SBS Biz 이승희
입력2013.12.09 09:57
수정2013.12.09 09:57
CNBC ENGLISH 시간입니다. 브라이언 웨스버리 First Trust Advisors 수석 이코노미스트는 미국경제가 매우 천천히 회복중이라며 동물 가운데, 말에 빗대어 표현했습니다.
["We call it the plow horse economy. It sort of keeps plotting along and finding a way to move forward." (쟁기 가는 말과 같은 경제다. 그저 계속 쟁기를 갈면서 앞으로 나아갈 방법을 찾아갈 뿐이다.)]
• Plow = 쟁기
• plow horse = 쟁기 가는 말
미국 경제를 경주말이 아닌 밭갈이 말, 쟁기가는 말에 비유한 것입니다. 경주말이라고 했다면 미국경제가 빠르게 회복되고 있음을 시사했겠지만, 쟁기가는 말에 비유하면서 매우 천천히 회복되고 있음을 시사했습니다.
[CNBC 영어자막]
I am looking at these top-line revenue numbers and saying, well, maybe the economy was weaker than we thought
it was in the second half of last year that's affecting these numbers as we roll into the first.
Obviously a little bit worrisome, but every quarter for 15 quarters,
we have grown, sometimes a little slower and sometimes faster.
We call it the plow horse economy.
It's nothing to write home about.
It's not a race horse and it ain't going to win the Kentucky Derby and it sort of keeps plotting along and finding a way to move forward, and there's no reason for me right now to expect anything different than that.
(자세한 내용은 동영상을 시청하시기 바랍니다.)
["We call it the plow horse economy. It sort of keeps plotting along and finding a way to move forward." (쟁기 가는 말과 같은 경제다. 그저 계속 쟁기를 갈면서 앞으로 나아갈 방법을 찾아갈 뿐이다.)]
• Plow = 쟁기
• plow horse = 쟁기 가는 말
미국 경제를 경주말이 아닌 밭갈이 말, 쟁기가는 말에 비유한 것입니다. 경주말이라고 했다면 미국경제가 빠르게 회복되고 있음을 시사했겠지만, 쟁기가는 말에 비유하면서 매우 천천히 회복되고 있음을 시사했습니다.
[CNBC 영어자막]
I am looking at these top-line revenue numbers and saying, well, maybe the economy was weaker than we thought
it was in the second half of last year that's affecting these numbers as we roll into the first.
Obviously a little bit worrisome, but every quarter for 15 quarters,
we have grown, sometimes a little slower and sometimes faster.
We call it the plow horse economy.
It's nothing to write home about.
It's not a race horse and it ain't going to win the Kentucky Derby and it sort of keeps plotting along and finding a way to move forward, and there's no reason for me right now to expect anything different than that.
(자세한 내용은 동영상을 시청하시기 바랍니다.)
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