[톡톡! CNBC] cutting edge = 앞서 나가는
SBS Biz 이승희
입력2013.08.12 14:14
수정2013.08.12 14:14
테슬라 기업을 사랑하는 사람이 많다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 테슬라가 결국에 망할 것이라는 의견을 가지고 있다가도 시승한 후 다시 사랑에 빠졌다는 사람이 있었죠.
[I drove the model S, looked at the technology in it, and it blew me away. (모델S를 시승하고 기술력을 직접 보니 입이 떡 벌어질 정도로 놀랐다.)]
• blew me away = 놀라다
혼이 나갈 정도로, 입이 떡 벌어질 정도로 놀랄 때 사용되는 표현입니다. 인상깊거나 감명, 감동을 받을 때도 많이 사용하는데요.
[The news blew me away. (그 뉴스는 날 깜짝 놀라게 했다.)]
[I blew him away. (내가 그를 감동시켰다.)]
[It is a real bleeding-edge technology car. (진정한 최첨단의 자동차다.)]
• cutting edge = 최첨단의, 앞서 나가는
• Bleeding Edge = cutting edge의 과격한 표현
• be on the cutting edge of = ~의 선두에, ~에 지도적인
[I'm on the cutting edge of helping interns. (인턴들을 지원하는 선두적 역할을 하고 있다.)]
[They start developing their next all new vehicle which is going to start bleeding cash out of the coffers. (테슬라는 신차 개발을 진행 중인데, 이는 엄청난 지출로 이어질 것이다.)]
• bleeding cash out of the coffers = Taking money from cash reserves = 돈이 빠져 나가다, 지출하다
• Coffer = 돈궤, 귀중품 상자, 재원
[CNBC 영어자막]
Sue, I was one of the biggest skeptics when they had their first car out.
I drove the model S, looked at the technology in it, and it literally blew me away!!
Because it's not a high school science experiment, it is a real bleeding-edge technology car.
And like I say, I was a huge skeptic before.
Right, does Tesla then become a takeover target?
Is it easier for a major car company like Ford or GM to simply buy Tesla rather than invest in the technology to upgrade their own electric car vehicles?
I don't think it's easier, but it's definitely a takeover target especially as they start developing their next all new vehicle, which is going to start bleeding cash out of the coffers because you have new vehicle investment which is extremely expensive.
(자세한 내용은 동영상을 시청하시기 바랍니다)
[I drove the model S, looked at the technology in it, and it blew me away. (모델S를 시승하고 기술력을 직접 보니 입이 떡 벌어질 정도로 놀랐다.)]
• blew me away = 놀라다
혼이 나갈 정도로, 입이 떡 벌어질 정도로 놀랄 때 사용되는 표현입니다. 인상깊거나 감명, 감동을 받을 때도 많이 사용하는데요.
[The news blew me away. (그 뉴스는 날 깜짝 놀라게 했다.)]
[I blew him away. (내가 그를 감동시켰다.)]
[It is a real bleeding-edge technology car. (진정한 최첨단의 자동차다.)]
• cutting edge = 최첨단의, 앞서 나가는
• Bleeding Edge = cutting edge의 과격한 표현
• be on the cutting edge of = ~의 선두에, ~에 지도적인
[I'm on the cutting edge of helping interns. (인턴들을 지원하는 선두적 역할을 하고 있다.)]
[They start developing their next all new vehicle which is going to start bleeding cash out of the coffers. (테슬라는 신차 개발을 진행 중인데, 이는 엄청난 지출로 이어질 것이다.)]
• bleeding cash out of the coffers = Taking money from cash reserves = 돈이 빠져 나가다, 지출하다
• Coffer = 돈궤, 귀중품 상자, 재원
[CNBC 영어자막]
Sue, I was one of the biggest skeptics when they had their first car out.
I drove the model S, looked at the technology in it, and it literally blew me away!!
Because it's not a high school science experiment, it is a real bleeding-edge technology car.
And like I say, I was a huge skeptic before.
Right, does Tesla then become a takeover target?
Is it easier for a major car company like Ford or GM to simply buy Tesla rather than invest in the technology to upgrade their own electric car vehicles?
I don't think it's easier, but it's definitely a takeover target especially as they start developing their next all new vehicle, which is going to start bleeding cash out of the coffers because you have new vehicle investment which is extremely expensive.
(자세한 내용은 동영상을 시청하시기 바랍니다)
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